
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Shop Talk 3-24-11

This was a very open and emotionally moving meeting. We welcomed a new Brother to the group- Derek shared his story and the things on his heart. He is a good, caring man who really wants to learn more about God. We are glad to know him.

There were many concerns shared at the meeting from our regular attenders, and prayers were offered to the Lord for them. It is good to have a safe place to verbalize the stuff inside sometimes, so that all the Brothers know what is going on, and can begin to pray and support each other. After all, we are a group of men relating to each other through our life struggles. We did manage to sneak in two chapters in Genesis which had a similar theme to the evening's conversations. Everyone participated, and everyone feels good about where the group is headed.

The next group meeting we will be discussing the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Easter is such an important time of any Christian's walk with Him. We felt that it would be good to reflect on the the Easter story for the next two meetings, and then go back to our regular schedule.

Special thanks to the Bond Slaves for the pizza! And thanks to Will for bringing it. As always, thanks to Larry for hosting and being a strong, positive influence. Your honesty and humility should be a model for all of us. Thanks, man.

Let the riding season begin,

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