
Friday, January 28, 2011

The Back Patch

Well, it looks as though the Brethren will be taking the next step. This step we feel has been ordered by the Lord. After much prayer and consideration the Brethren have decided to become a group that will wear a patch on our backs. This patch represents our decision to follow God.

It does not mean that we live sinless lives or that we have attained perfection. The patch is an outward sign of an inward change. I will still stumble and fall in my life. But I know that Christ Jesus loves me. I know God will use my Brothers to help me stand on my feet. Together we Brethren travel the path that God leads us down, and with His help we can make our path a little brighter for those who may follow or cross it. Please pray with us as we walk this new path.

With a backpack full of failures and a heart that’s made of stone
I stand before my future feeling weary and alone.
Not knowing what awaits me and burdened on the way
You asked if you would carry my backpack for today.
You smiled and took it from me like it had no weight at all
We walked and talked of battles fought while answering life's call.
“Why would you want to carry all these failures everyday
I don't even remember them,” I heard you softly say.
Then slowly you began to drop my failures from the pack
my heart became much lighter as each one fell from the sack.
“Walk on without these failures walk on until you're home
Your load is now much lighter and you’ll never be alone”.

If by wearing the Brethren patch on my back I can help someone turn to Christ and give up their heavy burdens, then I am willing to wear it. Whether that person is a fellow Brethren or someone outside the group I will obey God's leading.

None are perfect only FORGIVEN.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

So...be sure to put an extra one on order for your brother down south!